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Cherokee Village - Plan For Moving Forward
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Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: Cherokee Village Arkansas Property Owners
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Re: Cherokee Village - Plan For Moving Forward
Great posts. I still recall our afternoon at the historical room at the Omaha Center. Going through the files of all the clubs, theater groups and community building events was amazing. John Cooper had not only a vision but a reality here that can rise again. It first needs to be better understood. Going to the posts on the Early History of Cherokee Village is a good place to start. Fortunately there are still those who remember and our committed to revival of a better time. All the things are in place. It's just a matter of beating the drum a little. Thanks for your post, Chuck, and community service.
Great posts. I still recall our afternoon at the historical room at the Omaha Center. Going through the files of all the clubs, theater groups and community building events was amazing. John Cooper had not only a vision but a reality here that can rise again. It first needs to be better understood. Going to the posts on the Early History of Cherokee Village is a good place to start. Fortunately there are still those who remember and our committed to revival of a better time. All the things are in place. It's just a matter of beating the drum a little. Thanks for your post, Chuck, and community service.
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
Cherokee Village - Live The Dream
Moving Forward - How do we get from here to there ?
After discussing this subject with several people, I wanted to post my thoughts on moving forward. I feel that we have a tremendous opportunity, right now, to take some big steps in making Cherokee Village a vibrant community like it once was. I love living here. I have only been in Arkansas for 12 years now. I have seen many changes for the good, but it seems that we are losing the sense of community that I enjoyed when I first moved here, that short time ago. Much of that is just growing pains from one era (The John Cooper Generation) into the 2nd generation of residents. Most of the clubs, including the fraternal clubs, are declining in membership. Community volunteerism has dropped off dramatically.
John Cooper had an incredible vision in 1954, and spoke of building a community made up of the new generation of retirement aged folks. The first generation in which so many had, not just a fixed social security income, but also a regular pension. Not only was Cherokee Village the first designed retirement community in the nation, it was affordable for many middle class retirees. That's really how it was marketed also. Cooper had awesome marketing strategies, from giving gift lots away at fairs and sport shows, to bringing people to the area, putting them up, and showing them a jewel of a growing community. Cherokee Village was to many, a dream realized. The Cooper generation has sustained Cherokee Village over the years, but I feel that over the last 10 years, we have sadly seen that slipping away.
Let me be very clear that I still believe in the John Cooper Vision, just as much as I believe in Cherokee Village. I think it is just as important today, as it was in 1954. We are no longer our parents retirement community. In my opinion, we are all too often, looking back at the way CV was and trying to recapture that exact feel. Instead we need to take that vision, as a guide, and craft a new John Cooper Vision for the 21st century.
After discussing this subject with several people, I wanted to post my thoughts on moving forward. I feel that we have a tremendous opportunity, right now, to take some big steps in making Cherokee Village a vibrant community like it once was. I love living here. I have only been in Arkansas for 12 years now. I have seen many changes for the good, but it seems that we are losing the sense of community that I enjoyed when I first moved here, that short time ago. Much of that is just growing pains from one era (The John Cooper Generation) into the 2nd generation of residents. Most of the clubs, including the fraternal clubs, are declining in membership. Community volunteerism has dropped off dramatically.
John Cooper had an incredible vision in 1954, and spoke of building a community made up of the new generation of retirement aged folks. The first generation in which so many had, not just a fixed social security income, but also a regular pension. Not only was Cherokee Village the first designed retirement community in the nation, it was affordable for many middle class retirees. That's really how it was marketed also. Cooper had awesome marketing strategies, from giving gift lots away at fairs and sport shows, to bringing people to the area, putting them up, and showing them a jewel of a growing community. Cherokee Village was to many, a dream realized. The Cooper generation has sustained Cherokee Village over the years, but I feel that over the last 10 years, we have sadly seen that slipping away.
Let me be very clear that I still believe in the John Cooper Vision, just as much as I believe in Cherokee Village. I think it is just as important today, as it was in 1954. We are no longer our parents retirement community. In my opinion, we are all too often, looking back at the way CV was and trying to recapture that exact feel. Instead we need to take that vision, as a guide, and craft a new John Cooper Vision for the 21st century.
Chuck K- Posts : 54
Points : 64
Join date : 2010-08-24
Age : 70
Cherokee Village - Plan For Moving Forward
I am beginning a thread under the property owners section to begin discussion on establishing a plan for moving Cherokee Village forward.
I am hoping that this topic thread will address updating, improving, and adding to the infrastructure we have in place.
We will be able to accomplish our goals best by continuing to have open dialog. We need to include current residents and property owners, City Hall, S.I.D., and the business community. Working with "The Plan" that has already been put together in the past, and forming a detailed outline for a new plan, with a vision of how we want Cherokee Village to be in the future, will work best when the entire community is involved.
At this point in time we have several people that are committed to renewing, improving, and updating the Cooper vision. Their goal is to improve and expand all that attracted retirees and younger people alike, looking for a more peaceful place to live, work, and raise a family here in Cherokee Village. There are some great ideas for the entire Cherokee Village community. A lot of work has been done at town center. There is a lot of work that could be done to improve the visual appeal of the entire Village Center area, and it would be the most logical place to start. We need to look throughout the village to improve and add to the amenities we already have. It will be important to update and clean up parks, facilities, and businesses alike to make these improvements in the Village. This will be a benefit to everyone to try and spur growth within the village. Working together to make Cherokee Village a vibrant community once again. Not only for the retirees and working families now living here, but designed to also attract the new era of retirees, and families that are demanding a more active lifestyle, all within
the natural beauty of Cherokee Village and the Spring River area.
I am hoping that this topic thread will address updating, improving, and adding to the infrastructure we have in place.
We will be able to accomplish our goals best by continuing to have open dialog. We need to include current residents and property owners, City Hall, S.I.D., and the business community. Working with "The Plan" that has already been put together in the past, and forming a detailed outline for a new plan, with a vision of how we want Cherokee Village to be in the future, will work best when the entire community is involved.
At this point in time we have several people that are committed to renewing, improving, and updating the Cooper vision. Their goal is to improve and expand all that attracted retirees and younger people alike, looking for a more peaceful place to live, work, and raise a family here in Cherokee Village. There are some great ideas for the entire Cherokee Village community. A lot of work has been done at town center. There is a lot of work that could be done to improve the visual appeal of the entire Village Center area, and it would be the most logical place to start. We need to look throughout the village to improve and add to the amenities we already have. It will be important to update and clean up parks, facilities, and businesses alike to make these improvements in the Village. This will be a benefit to everyone to try and spur growth within the village. Working together to make Cherokee Village a vibrant community once again. Not only for the retirees and working families now living here, but designed to also attract the new era of retirees, and families that are demanding a more active lifestyle, all within
the natural beauty of Cherokee Village and the Spring River area.
Chuck K- Posts : 54
Points : 64
Join date : 2010-08-24
Age : 70
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