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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyFri Dec 06, 2013 2:55 pm by Chuck K

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyMon Jul 22, 2013 12:35 pm by trout

Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 6:48 am by Guest

» Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.
Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 2:57 pm by Chuck K

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyMon Apr 29, 2013 11:43 pm by Guest

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyMon Apr 29, 2013 11:19 pm by Guest

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyThu Apr 25, 2013 2:58 pm by j3topgun

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptySat Apr 20, 2013 10:59 am by Guest

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyTue Apr 09, 2013 1:53 pm by Guest

» Cherokee Village Arkansas Gift Lots
Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. EmptyMon Apr 08, 2013 10:44 pm by Paul2CV


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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty Re: Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

Post by Chuck K Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:57 pm

Hi Eventide, I also think trout was just trying to be helpful. The bill of assurance for your lot should explain that campers and RV's are prohibited. I have seen RV's parked at homes. Some are people visiting residents for a short stay, and I would think that isn't a problem, unless someone presses the issue. We do have a campground, with hookups, at the Baseheart campground within the village. This should work very well for you, if you are looking at short term stays. As for metered water or electric, I would recommend calling City Hall. I have not seen anything like that done without obtaining your building permit. You then have a full year to build, and I am not sure when service is brought to the site during the building process. Hope that helps with your question.......

Chuck K

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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty SNARK HUH

Post by trout Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:54 pm

Eventide, I was answering you question. You should change your posting name to UNEVENTIDE. I can see now you will get along "well" with the locals. (lol)


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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty Re: Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:34 pm

Eventide, I don't think trout was being snark. Each of the lot restrictions on my lots say no camping or RV's. (By the way, some lot restrictions say a 800 sq. ft. house, others say 1000 sq. ft.)

As Paul said, you might get away with an RV for a short stay. But I wouldn't personally take the chance of someone making a call. I'm in the same boat when I visit the area and have to rent a cabin or stay in hotels. Actually, I was just there earlier last month and will be coming back at the end of this month. No tramping through the bushes looking at acreages this time though. (Good lord, the ticks up there are brutal little beggers. The trip before last it was the chiggers.)

That camping area does look pretty nice and I'm planning to make use of it at some point.


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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty Re: Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

Post by eventide451 Sun May 26, 2013 4:50 pm

Thanks, Paul. The camper gets used elsewhere, so there's no way it'd sit on the lot without me actually being there. It's more so I could come fish the area and not have to deal with hotels, etc. and have a bit of privacy as well as be able to have a place to park the boat trailer and what not. Using an RV lot would wholly defeat the purpose of being at Cherokee Village when I'm in that area, so that's out of the question. I can call SID and see what the deal is. I just thought somebody might have some experience with it. I completely understand the concern over having campers on the lot semi-permanently. (so tone down the snark, trout, and if you can't be civil, don't respond)


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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty Re: Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

Post by trout Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:06 am

Sorry but no campers or rvs on lots. Like Paul stated there is a camping area over by the Basehart Firestation. Check in at the firestation. There are RV spots, with ele, water and showers. The lower level has tent camping near the river.


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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty Re: Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

Post by PaulCV Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:38 pm

Hi & Welcome,

The use of the camper might slide if it really is short term, but that would need to be checked into with SID. In any case, there is a nice camp location in the Village that you can use. Each subdivision has its own set of building rules concerning size and so on. I am unaware of any area at the moment that is less that 1000 square feet. You will find the City and SID good to work with and the info is available online at the City and SID website. Keep us posted on your progress.


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Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug. Empty Cost to get water meter & hydrant and electric meter with 120v plug.

Post by eventide451 Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:34 am

Hello and thanks to those of you responsible for this forum. It has been a great resource.
I own two adjoining lots (approx. 1/2 acre total) in the Sallisaw addition, just off Tonganoxie on Sallisaw Rd. (within about 500 ft. or so of the intersection).

We're a few years away from being able to build a permanent lake cabin, but in the meantime I was thinking about clearing part of the lot to pull up a pop-up camper (camper would not stay on the lot and would only be there as long as I was there).

I have a couple of questions about this idea for those of you familiar with the neighborhood and SID's rules. It'd be a nice, newer camper and only there for a few days at a time a few weekends in the summer. Is this allowable? Second, is an ~800 sq. ft. permanent lake cabin allowed? I'm fairly certain it wouldn't meet the SID's size requirements, but do they typically let that slide if, a few years from now, we decide to build there?

What's the procedure and costs involved in CV to get a water meter with a hydrant/spigot and electric service up to those lots?

Thanks in advance.


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