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Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: General Questions and Comments
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Hi Forum,
I previously posted a topic called "Worries???" I wondered if my concern was shared by others that we need to reclaim something in Cherokee Village. Cherokee Village is by intent a "planned community." It was a "vision" of life in nature, community centers and community engagement, facilities, lakes, and pools -- in other words, a common or shared life. John Cooper started it all. This was a true vision, not simply a real estate project.
Over time visions can become diluted or fuzzy. Communities can slowly begin to lose their core values and common mission. I don't think that has happened in Cherokee Village yet, but I sense that it may be starting if we don't get serious about coming together around Cooper's dream.
Under my other post, "Worries", what I noted was what seems to me to be the beginning of "two tiers" or "two tracks" of living here. One group has bought into Cooper's vision, believes in it, knows what it is, and wants to see it grow. It is a shared community vision. The other track is folks who seem to have become detached from it or never had it fully explained to them at a depth that was meaningful to them.
I think we need our public and elected officials to speak often of this vision and give it life for us all again. I believe that there is a desire deep down to gather around that vision again. Everyone can feel a part of making a community that matters for us and our kids - -a truly special place. Each generation must reclaim the vision and make it grow. We need to hear Cooper's voice again from new lips.
I previously posted a topic called "Worries???" I wondered if my concern was shared by others that we need to reclaim something in Cherokee Village. Cherokee Village is by intent a "planned community." It was a "vision" of life in nature, community centers and community engagement, facilities, lakes, and pools -- in other words, a common or shared life. John Cooper started it all. This was a true vision, not simply a real estate project.
Over time visions can become diluted or fuzzy. Communities can slowly begin to lose their core values and common mission. I don't think that has happened in Cherokee Village yet, but I sense that it may be starting if we don't get serious about coming together around Cooper's dream.
Under my other post, "Worries", what I noted was what seems to me to be the beginning of "two tiers" or "two tracks" of living here. One group has bought into Cooper's vision, believes in it, knows what it is, and wants to see it grow. It is a shared community vision. The other track is folks who seem to have become detached from it or never had it fully explained to them at a depth that was meaningful to them.
I think we need our public and elected officials to speak often of this vision and give it life for us all again. I believe that there is a desire deep down to gather around that vision again. Everyone can feel a part of making a community that matters for us and our kids - -a truly special place. Each generation must reclaim the vision and make it grow. We need to hear Cooper's voice again from new lips.
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: General Questions and Comments
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