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Does it even matter

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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:52 pm

It's not possible for the U.S. to go back to the gold standard at this point. Possibly in the not too distant future when one too many balls are added to those that are being juggled to keep the intertwined world economies afloat. When one or more balls drops and hits the floor we'll be able to go to a gold standard. But I doubt we'll be using dollars after that point.

If you can read between the lines you'll understand what I think living conditions will be like during that period.


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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by Paul2CV Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:32 pm


An interesting list. Would you be in favor of returning to the gold standard, and if so, how would you see that implemented at this point?


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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:17 pm

The last "real" President we had was a Democrat (choke). Kennedy. He tried to take control of the nation back from those seedy internationalists who control the Federal Reserve Corporation. Of course his efforts failed with his untimely death. Although, you still occasionally come across a one dollar silver certificate.

The most effective this century in rebuilding the economy would be Harding. He successfully killed many of Wilson's programs and turned the economy around. Although unfortunately, he wasn't able to kill the Federal Reserve Corp.

The greatest President in our history was Washington. Not because of all of the things he did. Because of the one thing he didn't do. He was asked to be king. He declined.


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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by Paul2CV Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:37 pm


I would be curious about your opinion on past Presidents. Who would you say was the last good one? Who would you say was the best one in the last century?


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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:02 pm

You are correct about the no where to turn thing. Regardless of Republican or Democrat rule (Which is a false paradigm), the fact is that no Government has ever given up any power it has given itself except by force. I don't see that force ever taking place by our citizens.

So our Government's moves towards a totalitarian state in order to "keep us safe" will continue. The Government's efforts to control every aspect of the economy will continue. The Government's moves to control every aspect of it's citizens lives from birth till death will continue. And it's all being done in the name of the well being of the American citizen.

I personally think there might be another reason that it's being done. Like control and power. But you are right, there is not really anywhere else to turn.


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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by Paul2CV Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:09 am


You make very good points. I sense in America right now two competing political forces. One could be described as being driven by the extremes in the two major parties and a mistrust of that by the sensible majority who actually have nowhere to turn.


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Does it even matter Empty Re: Does it even matter

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:30 pm

I would say that depends on how many foreign policy blunders are made, how many involvements in military actions are authorized, and how many executive orders a President issues.

Today the economy, much like each citizen, is affected by everything the Government does and every action it takes. Too little Government leads to an increase in lawlessness in the economy and to much Government leads to suffocation of the economy.


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Does it even matter Empty Does it even matter

Post by Paul2CV Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:05 am

Hi Forum,

I'm going to ask a serious question. Every four years we tie ourselves in knots thinking the outcome of these Presidential elections will actual make some difference in the economy. Do you think the sitting President matters?


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