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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by Paul2CV Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:44 pm

Hi forum,

Okay, Santorum is gaining credibility every day. Like it or not, Mitt just can't close the deal. What is the assessment out there of Santorum? Who would you want to see him paired up with?


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:43 pm

Yeah, Mitt (Willard) is still the front runner. I saw the other day that Mitt was actually his uncle's name. His real name is Willard. What is the deal with these politicians with multiple names? Barry/Barack, Mitt/Willard. A vice President for Mitt? How about John McCain? If we're going down in flames we might as well do it laughing. Laughing

I'm hoping Newt or Santorum will pull out SC. Maybe if the debates go right. I don't know. Florida would still be a tuff nut to crack. Romney has a monster of an organization here and we're already seeing anti Newt ads by Mitt's Pacs. (As in multiple Pacs.)


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by Paul2CV Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:12 pm

Hi forum,

Okay, it looks like Mitt is going to continue the front runner. Why, I'll never understand. In any case, he needs to look at a VP selection at some point. Any bets on who that will be? Anyone you'd like to see in that role?


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:23 pm

I hadn't thought of a Perry / Paul ticket. Yeah, that would be interesting. I'm not sure Newt will recover. It's possible but probably not. I've got a feeling we'll wind up with Romney. Which means the Republicans will be pushing another moderate this election. It worked out so well last time.


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by Paul2CV Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:26 pm


Iowa will be interesting tonight. Newt has been savaged by the attack ads. Frankly, Mitt makes me sick. For the sake of an honest political debate in this Nation alone, I would love to see Rick and Ron Paul on the same ticket. Now that would make for good political debate with the Democrats. I also think those two put together are where conservatives in this country really are at.


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by LawAbidingCitizen Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:50 pm

Actually it's not much different than what the Democrats were going through at this same time in 2008. A lot of them loved Hillary except for those who hated her because she wasn't far enough left.

I'm sure one of them is going to come to the front after the voting actually starts. Probably Romney, although I think Newt would move us back to positive economic growth at a faster rate. I like what he said about getting rid of the impediments Obama has placed on the economy. That when Obama leaves the White House 40% of the impediments will be repealed before Obama's plane lands in Chicago.

Considering all of the economy stifling Executive Orders and Departmental regulations his administration has issued resulting in the killing of the economy suspect that Newt's statement isn't far from correct.

Honestly, if the local mall janitor got the nomination I'd vote for him. A mall janitor couldn't do much worse than a community organizer. At least a mall janitor knows what it's like to have a job, work and get his hands dirty.


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Re: Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by Paul2CV Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:09 am

It really is time to confess that the GOP can't find a real Candidate. Let's face it, there's no genuine enthusiasm about any of them. The question is, Why?

The reason is that only by securing the lunatic fringe of the GOP base can anyone have hope to get the Nomination. This leads to two kinds of candidates. 1. Liars who fake it. 2. Psychos who believe it.

This would be funny, even a Reality TV show if we didn't actually have the most powerful Nation on earth to run.

I won't declare myself politically here. I will only say that no matter where you fall on the political spectrum, any patriotic American would want better than this. It is beyond sad. It's dangerous. In our guts we all know it.


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Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate? Empty Why Can't The GOP Find a Candidate?

Post by Paul2CV Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:40 pm

Hi forum,

Does anyone have a take on what's making it so hard for the GOP to settle on a candidate for more than a week?


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