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"Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village

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"Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village Empty Re: "Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village

Post by Paul2CV Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:26 am

Hi Mike,

Among your many virtues, you don't sugarcoat things! Thanks for your posts.

The goal right now is SOLUTION. The problem is not significant enough that it cannot be addressed. In fact, we have seen enormous improvements when Code Enforcement is given the resources it needs. This new sales tax should largely go to that branch of the City. Again, we have already seen the great work they are capable of when given the resources they need. Right now, we are wildly underfunding this branch of the City government which does such enormous concrete good.

From you post:

"... I do not think the rundown areas of the village was ever in Cooper's vision either, and those of us who keep clean and well maintained properties and who would also like to see a clean and well maintained village have come to resent that type of living which was certainly never a Cooper vision."

100% agree.


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"Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village Empty Re: "Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village

Post by mike Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:53 am

On a slightly related twist to this topic, please this post

It brings to light a few things and what we want to stay away from as a "real" village.


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"Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village Empty Re: "Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village

Post by mike Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:33 am

Paul, I completely agree. I bring it up because it is a reality and there is no point in trying to sugarcoat it. You are 100% correct about the Cooper vision thing but what has happened over time has kept the Cooper vision intact but with a few doses of modern reality. CV was never marketed as a wealthy enclave, not even close, in fact just the opposite as it was marketed mostly to middle class midwesterners. Yes there are very beautiful and highly sought after areas of the village not on the lake, I again completely agree. As to lakefront for example, as time went on, lakefront and waterfront property in general became more and more expensive across the country and the people who wanted lakefront but couldn't afford it elsewhere found they could afford it here. That has helped keep CV going throughout the 80s and 90s, no question about it. There really are very few wealthy people in CV. Think about it. Why would they come here? CV is what it is, and we love her for it. However there are certain realities that have happened over time, and I do not think the rundown areas of the village was ever in Cooper's vision either, and those of us who keep clean and well maintained properties and who would also like to see a clean and well maintained village have come to resent that type of living which was certainly never a Cooper vision. I wish it was otherwise but it is a reality and I don't think it will change anytime soon either. Quite frankly, the division you see is definitely there and it is real, however it is not as large and divisive as you think. CV is full of very nice, easy going people, and therefore these tiers as you call it, blend in more than you think and that is another one of the positive aspects of CV.

Last edited by mike on Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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"Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village Empty "Two Tiers" is Cherokee Village

Post by Paul2CV Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:41 am

Hi Forum,

I want to address a touchy topic because it has appeared from time to time on the Forum. It has both been said outright and it has been implied. Is it true that with respect to Cherokee Village there are "two tiers" of residents; namely, those fortunate enough to live by the lakes and golf courses and "the rest?"

Now the formula isn't exactly that simple. There are river front properties and certain Town Houses and bluff lots with great mountain views that are also considered "Tier One," but for the sake of simplicity, let's just stick with the basic lake/golf vs. everyone else.

I've got a few things to say on this topic.

First, Cherokee Village was not designed to have this mentality. Obviously, there were always more desirable lots which cost more, but it was always Cooper's vision to have a single united community with a real appreciation of the other "inner lots" of the Village. In fact, if one looks at the pattern of early development in CV, that fact is obvious. Even Cooper himself didn't have a lake front!

Second, Cherokee Village could not even survive economically on lake and golf front property fees and taxes alone. The Village requires so-called "ordinary" home and lot owners simply to survive. There should be some gratitude and respect shown.

Third, CV was not developed by Cooper to be a playground for those of higher means. It was to be a balanced community. He didn't go to County Clubs to find prospective lot buyers. He went to State Fairs.

Finally, and most importantly, if Cherokee Village is to mean anything really worth anything it will be found in the original community vision that Cooper had. What has caused most damage is the erosion of that vision through the breakdown of being deliberate about promoting it coupled with a soft housing market which encourages bad rentals and more transient commitments.

When all is said and done, we need to promote a "One Village" vision and truly take seriously what Cooper had in mind, not lapse into "some of us are better." It begins with returning to what Cooper had in mind.

Last edited by Paul2CV on Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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