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What Were You Looking For?
3 posters
Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: Cherokee Village Arkansas Polls
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Re: What Were You Looking For?
Hi Forum,
While trout and I don't agree on the City, we share a common view on the basics. Mike fills this out. My hope, what I was looking for, can pretty much be summed up by unspoiled and not over-developed nature, low taxes that make a simple life possible, good and simple government, leisure and a shared community vision. I believe that the last of these is actually the key and often the most underrated. We need to not "live off the vapors" of John Cooper's core vision. Each generation needs to claim it afresh.
While trout and I don't agree on the City, we share a common view on the basics. Mike fills this out. My hope, what I was looking for, can pretty much be summed up by unspoiled and not over-developed nature, low taxes that make a simple life possible, good and simple government, leisure and a shared community vision. I believe that the last of these is actually the key and often the most underrated. We need to not "live off the vapors" of John Cooper's core vision. Each generation needs to claim it afresh.
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
Re: What Were You Looking For?
Clean lakes not filled with snakes and alligators so I can waterski in peace. Private lakefront that doesnt cost millions! Low taxes. Friendly people. That's a start. I have many more reasons but I will make that another post.
mike- Posts : 433
Points : 620
Join date : 2010-06-29
Re: What Were You Looking For?
A simple life style, nature, limited government (no city) low cost of living. Secure and safe place to live. Use to have that but not now sad to say. Fees and taxes that are not needed but maybe one day people will say STOP THE MADNESS and do away with local government.
trout- Posts : 180
Points : 190
Join date : 2011-03-05
What Were You Looking For?
Hi Forum,
We have a section on the Forum called "Little Things I Like About Cherokee Village." We have had really great responses. I would like to start another thread here:
What were you looking for when you came to Cherokee Village?
We have a section on the Forum called "Little Things I Like About Cherokee Village." We have had really great responses. I would like to start another thread here:
What were you looking for when you came to Cherokee Village?
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: Cherokee Village Arkansas Polls
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