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Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: Cherokee Village Arkansas Polls
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Hi Forum,
I'm going to persist on this topic and hope someone will find it worthwhile. People who invest in CV as an actual place to live do so from a number of perspectives. Some are locals who like the area and know CV before they jump in. Many others, however, feel the place out from afar and bring to the table certain hopes, desires and even fantasies that are important to understand as the lens through which they are looking.
What I want to say as one who had those desires, hopes and even fantasies myself is that CV is much more than I imagined but in ways I didn't imagine. There is a special something about CV that can only be experienced and lived. Again and again, folks will say "you have to visit." I agree. But you need to visit at length. Feel it out. Live it out day to day.
The relaxed lifestyle of the area is not for everyone. Big shoppers and those who seek lots of entertainment options are likely not going to find this what they are after. But the fact is, if they give it a shot, they might just find out its more than what they thought they wanted.
I'm going to persist on this topic and hope someone will find it worthwhile. People who invest in CV as an actual place to live do so from a number of perspectives. Some are locals who like the area and know CV before they jump in. Many others, however, feel the place out from afar and bring to the table certain hopes, desires and even fantasies that are important to understand as the lens through which they are looking.
What I want to say as one who had those desires, hopes and even fantasies myself is that CV is much more than I imagined but in ways I didn't imagine. There is a special something about CV that can only be experienced and lived. Again and again, folks will say "you have to visit." I agree. But you need to visit at length. Feel it out. Live it out day to day.
The relaxed lifestyle of the area is not for everyone. Big shoppers and those who seek lots of entertainment options are likely not going to find this what they are after. But the fact is, if they give it a shot, they might just find out its more than what they thought they wanted.
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
"...a place without any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place?"
I think that's Dorothy speaking in the Wizard of Oz. It is the opening theme for the video in the other post in this topic. Not to get to philosophical, but the issue of answering that question about what's real about this place is at the heart of the Forum.
Now the thing about a fantasy is that it has two parts. One is what's really happening "out there" and the other is what's happening "inside you." The odd fact is that both really matter in terms of CV.
If anyone wants me to continue on this theme, let me know. In brief, "What we bring to the table matters as much as what's on the table."
I think that's Dorothy speaking in the Wizard of Oz. It is the opening theme for the video in the other post in this topic. Not to get to philosophical, but the issue of answering that question about what's real about this place is at the heart of the Forum.
Now the thing about a fantasy is that it has two parts. One is what's really happening "out there" and the other is what's happening "inside you." The odd fact is that both really matter in terms of CV.
If anyone wants me to continue on this theme, let me know. In brief, "What we bring to the table matters as much as what's on the table."
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
Hi Forum,
As the weather changes and our hearts turn to thoughts of summer joys, this sweet little video deserves to be revisited. It asks a provocative question in the beginning, so I've decided to place it here under "polls."
It asks quoting a famous movie:
"...a place without any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place?"
As the weather changes and our hearts turn to thoughts of summer joys, this sweet little video deserves to be revisited. It asks a provocative question in the beginning, so I've decided to place it here under "polls."
It asks quoting a famous movie:
"...a place without any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place?"
Last edited by Paul2CV on Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Paul2CV- Posts : 1065
Points : 1844
Join date : 2010-08-17
Cherokee Village Arkansas Forum by :: Cherokee Village Arkansas Polls
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