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After the Ice Storm

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After the Ice Storm Empty Re: After the Ice Storm

Post by Paul2CV Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:30 pm

Hi Localbet,

I regret that you feel concerned about how this was handled. But I know for a fact that the Mayor and his staff worked enormously hard and long hours to help countless people and that some folks even risked their lives reaching people. It is unfair in the extreme to focus on City Hall who handled a major disaster covering a huge area with amazing dedication and skill. I can only assume that many people have no idea what was actually going on behind the scenes and the number of problems and emergency calls being handled. And thank God we had a City government to respond. SID alone would never have been equipped to deal with a problem of this size. Moreover, the cleanup has gone very well under City care.


Posts : 1065
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Join date : 2010-08-17

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After the Ice Storm Empty Re: After the Ice Storm

Post by localbet Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:33 am

The ice storm revealed much disagreement and contention that some of us locals have with our current mayor. Mother nature will take care of the trees and the broken limbs over time, but who will take care of the lingering effects that cost us real money and suffering? How is that he sat on his rump and didn't do much while many were stranded in their homes for days? I know not all emergency personnel could get through with the road conditions but I can't believe that not one single person from the city could help those that needed help. Explain that one!


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After the Ice Storm Empty After the Ice Storm

Post by Paul2CV Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:16 pm

Hi forum,

I hear that the falling leaves have revealed the broken and hanging branches from the ice storm a couple of years back. It is amazing the extent of the impact of that storm in terms of branches and so on on the undeveloped lots. The City did an excellent job in cleaning up and clearly that is still going on with great care. It is a reminder of the impact of mother nature when she sends that ice.


Posts : 1065
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Join date : 2010-08-17

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