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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty WEBSITE

Post by Paul2CV Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:17 pm

Hi Forum,

Along with putting our best foot forward goes our "cyber foot" as well. Congrats to the City on the fine new website.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:23 pm

Hi Forum,

Returning now to a part of 2030. Firstly, let me say that I think the input has been great on this topic and the concept of a "visitor's eye view" is essential to everything. I want to beat the drum on that one as it relates to this part of the Vision statement:

Economic Development: The city has a number of healthy businesses, conveniently located with
adequate parking. They also serve the surrounding cities and area. Tourism has increased through encouragement and promotion.

Let's start with: "The city has a number of healthy businesses, conveniently located with
adequate parking." I'm going to keep saying it, but the "visitor's eye" needs to see vitality. It is more than a matter of polishing things up -- although that is essential. It is also the need for things to feel vibrant. The Vision calls it elsewhere a "buzz" about the place.

No place is more essential to creating that impression than Town Center. We will need a comprehensive plan very soon to respond to the sale. It is really important to be creative about this and bring businesses to the table to work on a common vision and theme. Frankly, if we want to promote tourism, bringing a gift shop with CV stuff would be a good idea, or have it a part of SID. None of these stores needs to be a huge money maker to get started. What is most important is to begin to get the "feel" of more life into Town Center. What's there now is very good. It's just about filling it out.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:26 am

Hi Okmulger,

Let me join Mike in welcoming you and thanking you for your kind words. We do want to get the word out that this Forum is here and its members really care about CV and its future. Please know we look forward to hearing your ideas and thank you once more for joining in these important discussions. The 2030 Plan has so much to offer and ponder.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by mike Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:17 am

Okmulger, Thank you for the kind words!


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by okmulger Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:30 am

You people have some good ideas. How come this site is not shown to the city council? It should soon if nobody else I will. Cleaning up the parks me and my wife have been saying that for years. You got our vote. We never saw this web site before today our daughter told us about it. Those in mayor office should take notes. Take an ad out in the journal. Then local folk will find you and help out.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:41 pm

Mike & trout,

You have very good ideas here. The small parks do matter and make a Big impression. Any increased lake access makes the Village more desirable. The idea of picnic tables and BBQ grills is perfect. You're right this is not large dollar stuff. As I said before, some of the "common property" paths to the lakes need to be cut and maintained. The paths only need to be a few feet wide through the scrubs. Village Pride does a great job with little garden spots. Perhaps they can be brought in on these small paths and parks.

Ball fields are timely as well. A CV baseball league -- young and old -- would be great. A walk on the T-Bird dam with some benches would be nice as well.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by trout Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:20 am

Mike that park idea at Sequoyah is a real good idea. That would allow families not on the lake to have a place to spend time with friends and family. BBQ pits, tables and play area would be great in that area. A dock extending out into the lake for handicap and anyone else would be a good addition. SID could do this very well. Good place for a fishing rodeo for kids.

Also Daggett could use some of the vacant land it owns for soccer fields which could be used by both villagers and locals. The cost would be small and if Daggett needed the land back for some reason the soccer field could be relocated. Also Daggett could probably get a tax write off on things like this. This would also help promote the village and show a good picture for the developer Mr. Daggett.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by mike Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:52 am

Visitor's View is one of the most important pieces to the equation, I completely agree. Paul and Trout, both good ideas.

I do believe the pools and the golf courses need to be a top priority and looking perfect all year round. The little things that don't cost any big money seem to be neglected or just maintained enough to be usable, and that is the mini golf and the not much used parks. The mini golf should be redone and looking new and pristine and as much a priority as the pools. They look terrible. Cmon city, how much can that possibly cost? Not much. Fresh carpet, sod, mulch, nice plants, and clean, fresh walkways. Folks, we're talking small dollars here, but with a big return in terms of visitor's first impressions.

The same goes for every little neglected park all over the city limits. They are there and not used much, I agree, but that is not the point. They should be pristine and maintained very regularly to portray a good impression. Right now, in my opinion, they do not. One in particular is all that wasted space at the south end of Lake Sequoyah. Huge area of land with ample parking and it could be a fantastic park. It could have a pavilion, picnic tables, a dock, and nice grass. It is ideal for that. And is never thought of or never done. Why not? That is how all of our little parks around the village should be. It's not much money and even less to maintain.

I believe the tennis courts at the north golf course should be better maintained. They are located in an excellent area and should be looking better than they are.

We also need better outdoor rec facilities. I know some of the retired folks think this is a waste of money and a boondoggle. They are dead wrong and forget. Face facts, CV has loads of kids and young adults now, as well as plenty of active seniors who would welcome adult softball leagues, etc. We need a good outdoor rec sports facility. It should have a baseball field, 3 or 4 outdoor basketball courts, a soccer field, another large grassed area for other sports, and yet another large grassed area for other people's outdoor activities. It will be used. Trust me. I believe all of what I just said should be a priority in the budget for CV. The land is there. There is plenty of city/SID controlled land that will never be used in the next 50 years.

All of these ideas over time will cost not much. There will be costs to get it all up and running, but the maintaining will not be huge dollars.

I will be pushing for these things in the near future when the time is right, and will be very vocal about them. This is money very well spent and is part of my Vision 2020, not 2030. Stay tuned.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:09 pm

A Visitor’s View of CV in 2030

Imagine it is the year 2030. While driving along Hwy 62/412 you are welcomed to the naturally beautiful city of CV with a population of 7,000. There is a convenient shopping area of attractive stores for all your daily needs. There is a beautiful medical park nearby. As you are driving into the Village on smooth streets and safe bridges, you see modern homes, schools, parks, recreation and sports facilities for all ages. You were attracted to CV because of its inviting web site with fresh information of all the activities and services available there. You find the people friendly and the cost of living is modest considering all the opportunities so you decide to buy a home and live in Cherokee Village.
From 2030 Vision

Hi Forum,

I want to take up one part of this final paragraph from the 2030 Plan.

It is excellent that it speaks of the essential fact that for the Cherokee Village to prosper it must meet what the above paragraph calls "The Visitor's View of Cherokee Village."

From your perspective, how would you rate CV now in terms of a "visitor's eye view"?


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:15 pm

Hi trout,

You make some excellent points about priorities. The golf courses are pristine. I'd say that they receive more overall attention than any other facility. SID did a great job at T-Bird in terms of the pools. My only concern is the need to address the changing room. I can only speak for the men's side, but it could use a solid going over. All the buildings at T-Bird are E. Faye Jones and worthy of tip-top care. Omaha is in solid shape almost all of the way around. The roads to it need attention. We've already spoken about the mini golf. Both Omaha and T-Bird need help there. The parks and playgrounds have been taken on with some great results and the point is to keep going forward with that work.

This part of your post really spoke to me:

"We do not want to get into the frame of mind of well not that many people use it so we will not keep it up. That only will hurt the village in the long run. Also cost more when you must fix it. Any family oriented area needs to be checked off and on to make sure it is up to par. Also promote all the areas that are available to villagers and guest who may not be aware of them."

The use of the pools is quite high. the other facilities need a little more promotion as do the parks. We agree that anything that hits the visitor's eye and says "family" is worthy of focus. Thanks for your ideas. And yes -- fishing derby! That's worthy of a whole other post!


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by trout Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:01 am

Well the golf courses would be number one. Then I think we would need to do a yearly eval on the parks and playground areas for villagers and their visitors. The pools would need to be addressed each year prior to opening. A good cleaning and paint and fixup. All this helps show villagers, guest and others that the facilities are well maintained. We do not want to get into the frame of mind of well not that many people use it so we will not keep it up. That only will hurt the village in the long run. Also cost more when you must fix it. Any family oriented area needs to be checked off and on to make sure it is up to par. Also promote all the areas that are available to villagers and guest who may not be aware of them.
And keeping the lakes up and mowed. I would like to see things like a fishing derby for kids, hiking trips within the village for all ages. Maybe photo trips around the village. Little things that help promote and bring people together.

I would also like to see a yearly airshow but I know that costs big bucks.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:25 pm

Again, from the 2030 Vision:

SID is responsible for the seven lakes, two golf courses, tennis courts, a number of city parks, two recreation buildings with their swimming pools, miniature golf, playgrounds, meeting rooms and one has a 500 seat auditorium.

Trout, I know from your posts that you are SID oriented in terms of core Village functions. Taking the list above, where would you focus attention and in what ways? How would you assess how these items are doing?


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:43 am

Hi trout,

Thanks for reminding us about the playground. That was a nice bit of work by SID. All of the public-use spaces in the Village are essential in terms of the impression we are conveying. The mini-golf looks "tired" and anything like that needs painting and mending. The course itself at both T-Bird and Omaha are well designed and fun.

The painting at T-Bird Center that you mention was really positive. The fact is, when things are cleaned up and look new, like the playground, people use them and the Village feels like a "family" place.

I've mentioned it before, but the trail near Town Center is well maintained and well used. It all goes together. As I've also mentioned before in another post, I'd like to se Common Property strips going to the lakes cut through so they can really be used. It doesn't have to be much. A two-three foot path would be fine.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by trout Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:51 pm

You are so right about SID spending some of our money on those items. I have not seen the mini golf area this year but it sure could use a little cleaning up and paint. Good place to take the kids or grandkids. Family time also. Sid did some clean up and paint at Thunderbird pool last year I have not checked it out yet. Sid did put in a very nice playground equipment last year or the year before. That cost some bucks but is used alot and is very nice. Also maybe they need to somehow put out updates about the things available and where they are located. Maybe their website with a map showing those areas. It would seem that could help a little in showing our area off to visitors who may be looking for a future place to live.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:06 pm

Hi Forum,

Before I move on, I just want to say that the facilities combined with the wonderful nature of the area have everything to do with my wanting to be a part of CV. SID has charge of the facilities and I wanted to take up that part of the 2030 Vision.

SID is responsible for the seven lakes, two golf courses, tennis courts, a number of city parks, two recreation buildings with their swimming pools, miniature golf, playgrounds, meeting rooms and one has a 500 seat auditorium.

One thing that doesn't often get brought up is "mini" golf. (We know the "real" gof course are fantastic.) Let's talk "mini". The fact is that the kids love it and, frankly, me too. The two courses need some work. Is there a sense that it isn't worth working on? I would like to encourage giving it a little update at T-Bird and Omaha. i think it would put some smiles on faces young and old.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:35 pm

Community Facilities: SID updated the amenities and facilities, and there is a buzz of activity at them From 2030

Hi Forum,

This business of a "buzz" about the facilities is one that I share an interest in seeing happen. There are peak times in the summer when that "buzz" is really felt. But I do marvel at times about the underuse of some truly excellent opportunities at other times. Omaha Center is fantastic, for example. The Health and Fitness Club is great. There are meeting rooms and a gym. Any thoughts on what seems like the underuse of some fantastic opportunities?


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:28 pm

Hi Forum,

It seems like no one wants to comment on this one about CV/SID mutual support. I will simply say that I think the Bridge Commission to handle co-ordination is an excellent idea. It will bring out the strengths of each and a shared vision.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:11 pm

Hi Forum,

Okay, let's consider another hope in the 2030 Vision:

Governance: There is harmony between SID and city government. There is a SID/CV Bridge Commission that works the common functions and issues of these entities. Their functions include planning, promoting, and information dissemination. The ongoing Community Blueprint is adjusted and led by this Commission.

Now I know that this matter of governance has been a hot button topic for some. But I propose that we stay focused on the actual hope expressed here and the fact that City and SID do co-exist. In what ways can folks envision a good harmony of SID and City trading on the benefits of each to the CV Community?


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by trout Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:31 pm

Now that would be SWEET JUSTICE


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:35 pm

Hi trout,

I've heard from everyone who knew the place in the glory days that it was a lot of fun. If Wayne ends up with some form of Community Service it seems that cleaning up the Swim Club would be a good place to start.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by trout Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:01 am

Paul the Beach Club area is in Hardy and is the property that Wayne is involved in. So it will be a long time before that is address I think. Sad because it used to be a very nice area and used by a lot of folks.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:14 pm

Hi trout,

I agree with your sense of cause and effect in terms of the 24/7 ER. Without that, I think the hoped for growth will be elusive. The trails are not "critical" but it is a bunch of little things like that added back-to-back that will matter. I'm really confident on one point -- appearances matter. One place I'd start is on the three major roads into the Village. That "Swim Club" has to be addressed.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by trout Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:51 pm

Paul I think we should look at other things to put our energy to work towards. With just 23 new villager in a 10 period that will give us a total of 46 more people in the village in 2030. A long way from 7,000. Unless we find gas or gold in the area I don't see the village growing that much. Do hope to get a 24hr ER just maybe that might help us grow a little.


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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:28 am

Community Facilities: SID updated the amenities and facilities, and there is a buzz of activity at them daily. There are new community and senior centers which also serve as disaster shelters, have city gardens and walking paths suitable for physically challenged people. Good health is resulting from available wellness and fitness. 2030 Plan



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A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030 - Page 2 Empty Re: A Better Cherokee Village Plan Vision 2030

Post by Paul2CV Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:25 pm

Hi trout, Mike and visitr,

The help form trout is appreciated as is all the support about the walking trails. I don't know to what extent the website for SID is new -- it seems to be revised -- but it is certainly worth taking a look. It is full of great photos (especially the lakes) and general description of amenities. Here is the link:

My only suggestion would be some more details. For example, the number of trails and their location would be a good addition to the website. Again, it is a very inviting and attractive website.


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